Shillo Stories: Amy Bridge


Jun 27, 2024

Before Shillington, I was working in the customer service industry for a skincare brand, which I loved but it wasn't the dream. After graduating, I'm now working full-time as a Graphic Designer, creating work for an events company that hosts events across the world!

Inspiring me

I recently travelled to Mexico, and the vibrant colours and rich culture left a lasting impression on me. A highlight of the trip was visiting Frida Kahlo's house, which was both eye-opening and beautiful. My personal design work typically features bold and contrasting colours, as these are what I am naturally drawn to. Seeing such colours used in real-life architecture and design has reignited my excitement to create fun and vibrant designs again. I had an idea for a branding project a year ago, and this trip to Mexico has inspired me to revisit it with fresh, new ideas.

On reflection

I often look back at the time I spent at Shillington and the challenges of balancing a full-time job, weekend studies, and navigating other life events. Despite the stress and difficulties, I am proud to have persevered through those times. This experience allowed me to transition from a customer service job to a much more creative space. Now, as a junior designer, I feel far more inspired and excited about my daily life.

I find it much easier to express my creativity and draw inspiration from everyday experiences—whether it's in the way I dress, the things I create, the places I visit, the people I connect with, or the way I look at things.

What's cooking?

Recently, I've been helping my mum in rebranding her aromatherapy business. I had the creative freedom to redesign the logo and packaging, which she is now selling at local markets. It's been really fun to work with her on this project, help bring her vision to life and see it materialise into a final product. My next goals are to work on more personal projects and to find some freelance opportunities to expand my network and ideas.

Thank you so much, Amy!

Check out Amy's portfolio,  Instagram, and connect on LinkedIn.