Shillo Stories: Ryan McNally
Aug 22, 2024
There I was, after work one afternoon. It was only the end of August. I had just finished teaching my middle school students the principles of art for the fourth time that day. I was so tired. I loved teaching but I was burnt out. So, I looked into graphic design. I worked freelance for a year but I wasn't landing the clients I wanted. I knew I needed more training. Fast forward a few months, my wife and I were living in London. We decided that I should enrol in Shillington for the September 2023 full-time programme. I graduated in December 2023 and started working as a full-time Graphic Designer in the Spring of 2024.
Inspiring me
Mk.gee, 2000s, Harrys designs, Lykke Kaffegårdar, etc.

On reflection
Sharing my portfolio in interviews and getting positive reactions was healing for me. I remember multiple people telling me I was over-qualified for an unpaid design internship or junior design position. My app design project was one that I wasn't too keen on adding to my portfolio because I thought it was my weakest project. But I can't tell you how many interviewers asked me to go through it because it was their favourite.

What's cooking?
I work as an in-house designer for Prime. We've got some new campaigns coming soon that I'm a part of, but I can't share them just yet...