University vs. Shillington


Jul 12, 2024

So, you want to become a designer? The first step towards this is, of course, learning design. You could go to university, spend a huge amount of money, get into debt, and graduate 36 or 48 months later with a degree but sometimes without the practical skills that you need to work in the industry. Doesn’t sound great, huh? That’s where Shillington comes in.

While we don’t believe Shillington is a direct replacement for studying at university, we do believe it’s a great alternative. University is great for developing your academic prowess and developing critical thinking that can change the world. Though if you have already been to university or are ready to gain employable vocational skills, Shillington might be the perfect choice for you.

We teach you to become a graphic designer in a considerably shorter time span, for less money and all the skills and knowledge to go out and work in the industry! Sounds too good to be true? Let us break down some of the major differences between a traditional university graphic design degree and Shillington’s graphic design course.

We spoke to some of our graduates from across the globe. They shared some of the reasons they chose to study at Shillington rather than at university. They gave us brilliant insight into how studying at Shillington has given them an advantage in the industry after graduating. They also shared their starting salaries and salaries after a few years in the industry.*

*For reasons of confidentiality, we have not named the graduates or where they work.

You’re paying how much?

One of our graduates we spoke to told us that the cost of Shillington was a huge motivating factor in their decision:

“I had already gone through an undergrad and the idea of going into endless debt with grad school was not ideal”

Shillington graduate

Course fees

In the last decade, university fees in the UK alone have risen by 208%. In the US, the average domestic university student will pay, if they attend a college in their home state, $37,460 for the privilege. If you choose to go to a college in a different state, this jumps significantly to $95,560. And university in Australia costs an undergraduate anywhere between $45,000 and £99,000.

Shillington’s graphic design course is £9,950 for full-time or part-time study - 60% less than a UK degree.

How long is the course?

One of our graduates told us: “The main reason I chose Shillington was honestly the short time I would have to spend studying, and the focus on job training.”

The Shillington course is three months full-time or nine months part-time no matter where you choose to study in the world. Compare this to an average undergraduate degree taking anywhere between three to four years elsewhere.

One grad said: “I was in a place in my life where I needed to study something that would land me in a decent paying job almost immediately” and Shillington was the perfect fit.

That means if you enrol at Shillington in September you’ll be graduated and ready to work in December, while someone who has enrolled at university will have only just finished their first term.

Shillington graduates will have at least more than a two-year head start on other students who begin their studies at the same time. And that also means that Shillington graduates will be earning a long time before other graduates start the job search.

“I use the skills I learnt at Shillington every single day in my practice—design principles, typography, knowledge of the Adobe Suite, etc!”

Shillington graduate

Getting a job after Shillington

One of our graduates we spoke to found out about a job from another Shillington graduate the day after she finished the course. She was employed very soon after.

Other graduates took a bit longer—usually around two months. Our Occupational Education Data Survey (OEDS) from the US Department of Education had 91% of our graduates working in design within a year of graduating. Therefore, this means that Shillington graduates were getting jobs roughly two years before their university counterparts graduate.

As a result, Shillington graduates are already earning more by the time university students graduate. For example, one of our graduates started on a salary of $40,000 USD a year and four years later she’s now an Art Director earning $100k USD a year.

The length of the Shillington course means that you can start studying at the same time as a university student. But, by the time they graduate, you could be way ahead of them both in terms of salary and job role.

How does it stack up?

We spoke to some of the studios who have hired and recruiters who have worked with Shillington graduates to get their opinions.

“The standard of work was higher than I expected and much more sensitive to what a junior designer should be equipped with to join the industry than most university courses. I think most were at the right level for at least an internship. On a personal level they were all definitely the type of people you’d want to have in a studio, and did really demonstrate the right mentality to become a junior designer.”

Represent, a London-based recruitment agency

Want to find out more about Shillington's intensive graphic design course? Find out if it's the perfect course for you.