Work from Home (or Anywhere) as a Graphic Designer


Jun 5, 2024

Are you considering becoming a graphic designer but want to be working online? With the increasing demand for digital design and the ever-evolving digital landscape, having a strong understanding of how to create visuals for web based projects is essential. But can a graphic designer really work from home or remotely? Fortunately, yes! With places like Shillington here to help, Graphic designers not only have an opportunity to enter into the lucrative world of digital, but their invaluable skills are required by so many employers in different industries across the globe—the world is a graphic designer’s oyster.

Whether you’re looking to upskill in graphic design online and continue to work on projects at home or want to start totally afresh and become a graphic designer, this article will provide insight into how it’s possible for a graphic designer to make their mark with remote working.

Can a graphic designer work remotely? How to make it happen

The world of graphic design has greatly expanded in recent years, with more and more designers opting to work remotely or freelance. With the availability of online graphic design courses it has become easier than ever to hone your skills and gain the knowledge needed to succeed in this competitive industry.

Whether you’re a seasoned professional or just starting out, there’s potential for graphic designers to flourish online. You can make this happen by building a strong graphic design portfolio and website, networking within the industry and using social media platforms, like Instagram, Behance and even LinkedIn, to showcase your work. With dedication, hard work, and a passion for design, the potential for graphic designers to succeed in the online world is limitless.

Skills needed as a remote graphic designer

In today’s digital age, many people are turning to online careers that offer the freedom to work from anywhere in the world. One of the most sought-after fields for online work is, you guessed it, graphic design, which requires a combination of creative prowess, technical know-how and keen attention to detail, but also a specific knowledge and skillset to actually do the job at hand.

With the rise of remote work and freelance opportunities, mastering online graphic design skills can open up a world of possibilities for those looking to establish a successful online career. You’ll need skills specific to graphic design such as design theory idea generation and technical knowhow in design programs like the Adobe Creative Cloud and Figma, as well as more general skills in how to properly and productively work remotely. Luckily, Shillington’s online graphic design course will teach you all of this—and so much more.

Learn graphic design online with Shillington: study and work from home

With the demand for graphic designers continuing to rise across the world, it’s a great time to make sure your skills are on point and your portfolio is up to scratch—whether you’re an upskiller or a complete beginner at designing. With that in mind, Shillington’s online course offers a convenient and flexible pathway to learning graphic design. Their online course allows students to study online, with multiple full-time and part-time online graphic design study options so they can learn without having to disrupt their life. 

Whether you are a beginner with zero experience in the field or a professional looking to expand their skill set, Shillington provides a structured program that guides you every step of the way. With their comprehensive and industry-focused curriculum, students receive a well-rounded graphic design education that prepares them to successfully design remotely from wherever they want in the world!

Use what you learn from Shillington to get graphic design clients online

Shillington is an excellent platform for both aspiring designers who are looking to develop new skills and upskillers looking to enhance their skills to take their freelancing game to the next level. With remote working becoming the new norm, the ability to use what you have learned from Shillington and apply that to your online work is paramount.

Though the course is specifically focused on graphic design, the skills you gain from Shillington are interchangeable and can be used in a variety of areas—from digital design to typography, and everything in between. The skills you’ll learn on Shillington’s online graphic design course are also perfect for setting you up for an online career where you work entirely remotely. On the course, you’ll learn how to meet deadlines, attend meetings (in this case, classes) and get given and work on briefs all from the comfort of your home. As well as the essential online graphic design tools, you’ll be taught how to use key online communication tools such as Slack and Zoom, that you’ll definitely make use of in your remote career after the course.

Tips on setting up an effective portfolio website to showcase your best work

For graphic designers, especially if you want to work remotely, having a strong online presence is crucial. An effective online graphic design portfolio website can be the difference between landing new clients across the world or missing out entirely on potential job opportunities.

When setting up your portfolio and your website, it’s important to keep in mind the needs of remote work. It’s likely that potential new clients and contacts may not have the opportunity to meet you in person, so your portfolio website should showcase your best work and highlight your unique skills, as well as being able to show off some of your personality. So make sure your portfolio website properly represents you as a person and a designer. Consider things such as layout, clear descriptions of your projects and including testimonials from other clients. With the right approach, your portfolio website can take your career to new heights in the world of remote graphic design.

Benefits of working as an independent contractor vs an employee in the digital age

In the current post-pandemic, digital world, there are numerous advantages to working as a freelance graphic design freelancer, as it’s usually referred to in the graphic design industry, rather than a “traditional” employee. Perhaps the most significant is the one we’ve been discussing throughout this article: the ability to work remotely online. Remote, online work offers a level of flexibility that many traditional jobs don’t provide.

This is especially true for those in the field of graphic design, where working online has become commonplace—in fact, many freelancers have been doing this long before the rest of the world moved online! As a freelancer, you have control over your schedule and workload, allowing you to balance your personal and professional life more effectively. Additionally, you have the freedom to choose the projects you want to work on and the clients you want to work with, giving you more control over your career path. While there are certainly challenges to working as a freelancer, the benefits are undeniable right now.

Though, it’s important to note that it’s not just freelancers that work online nowadays. Many graphic design studios will accept job applications from remote designers—after all, if you have outstanding skills, you’ll be in demand—no matter where you are. Since remote working became more prevalent during the pandemic, we’ve also seen some design studios and agencies move their entire operations online. There’s no need for a physical office anymore!

In conclusion, the potential to work as a graphic designer online is not only possible but incredibly exciting! In today’s online age, we are able to bridge the gap between working in-person with clients and working as a freelance graphic designer from anywhere in the world. Thanks to online graphic design courses like Shillington’s, becoming a successful remote graphic designer is entirely doable. No matter the level of your current skill set, you can dive into the course and learn everything you need to know in order to create high quality design work. After mastering these tools and techniques, Shillington teaches its designers to create an effective portfolio website that showcases their best work—essential for online success.